Friday, February 5, 2010

TGIF and a Giveaway Winner

I don't think there's ever been a Friday where I felt it was more appropriate to say T.G.I.F. I think work mentally drained my brain so much that all that's left is a mountain of noodles. And if that wasn't enough, I had to go buy groceries after work tonight - in the cold - in the rain.

I'm not sure if I've ever told you, but I HATE buying groceries. Before Publix blessedly came into my life, I was almost to the point that we were going to have to eat every meal out or go on Jenni Craig so they would deliver to the front door.

Normally, I would have left work, considered the cold and the rain and driven my rumpus right home. But alas, I had already spent a considerable amount of time on my list and my coupons and some of them were expiring today. (By the way, I saved $20 with my coupons!) By the time I was all done, I was exhausted and a little shaky from some serious hunger. Thankfully, this sweet little angel of a boy took my groceries to my car and unloaded them for me.

Unfortunately, there was no sweet angel of a hubby at home to unload them for me because I'm flying solo tonight. Jay went to some type of Mixed Martial Arts thing with some buddies. After I unloaded everything and put it away, I popped a Kashi pizza in the oven and put my jammies in the dryer for about 5 minutes so they would be nice and toasty when I put them on.

Now my belly's full, I'm warm and comfy in my jammies and ready to announce the winner of my Valentine's Giveaway! The winner of these beautiful bracelets from Bella Regali is....

Congratulations Stacy! Shoot me an email with your address and I'll get these out to you pronto!

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Jocelyn said...

Yea for coupons! I did that the other day and got a bunch of stuff for only $ to love saving money!!!

Stephanie said...

Hope your weekend is relaxing and rejuvinating! :) Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Stacy's Snippets said...

Holy Cow! You should have heard the GASP that came out of my mouth when I read your blog and scrolled down to see the winner...and it was ME! Oh I am so lucky, excited, elated, over joyed, yahooed. Hmm...that's probably not a word. But I think you get the hint!

Thanks for Randomly picking me! Now if ONLY I could figure out how to email you?!

Unknown said...

I love your new blog header!! Oh, and I'm with you on the whole grocery shopping fiasco...I HATE it! I live in such a small town that to most people it is like a social event to go to the local grocery store and it is sooooooo annoying! I'm more of a race through the isles get what I need and get out kind of girl, but that's not possible in this town :)
Congrats to your winner!

LeAnna said...

Yay, congrats to the winner! I hear you about grocery shopping, it's much better to go with someone than alone. I do the coupon thing, and always save 20-30 a grocery trip! I try to buy once a month, too...but that requires a lot of pre-planning menus and such.
Are those Kashi pizza's good?

Jill said...

Oooh... I missed your giveaway. Boo! I don't love the grocery store either. It's such a pain. Hope you have a nice and warm weekend.