Today something hit me with such stark clarity that you would have thought a bomb went off in the sky. No, I haven't murdered anyone or robbed a bank. Mostly, it's the thoughts that go on in my head and unfortunately make their way out of my mouth on way too many occassions.
I am a SINNER! Of course, I've always known I'm a sinner - we all are. But I guess I just thought I was basically a good person and trying to be in God's Will and do the right things. I know I am a child of God and my salvation is secure but I think the Lord has been slowly revealing to me over the past month that I have not been in His will. And today, oh today - it hit me like a ton of bricks. I think God got tired of me taking so long to "get it"!
I feel like so many things that I have taken such a strong stance on are just STUPID! I have a tendency to make up my mind about something and that's just the way it is. Well guess what - it's not always the way it is. I'm not always right. My way isn't always the best way and FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S HOLY - could I just please remember that I am NOT THE BOSS OF EVERYTHING!!!
My preacher has brought up the song "I Did it My Way" in his sermons a couple of times. Well guess what happens when I try to do it "my way"? It's a big ol' mess! NOTHING good comes from it. I don't want to live my life my way, I want to live it His.PERFECT.Way.
I have seriously been knocked down a peg or two and I can't think of a better way for it to happen than by my precious Lord and Saviour, who does it in love and desires to restore me to Himself. How can I possibly feel completely different tonight than when I woke up this morning? It's my heart. I think it got picked up, dusted off and put back all shiny again.
All I can say is thank you God - over and over. I wonder if He got a good chuckle when I had my A-HA moment.