Monday, December 19, 2011

My favorite week!

The week before Christmas is by far my favorite week of the year. Even though things are always extremely busy and rushed, the time with my family and friends makes it all worth it.

I had the best weekend. Saturday night Hubs and I had our Sunday School party which is always fun. I love playing Dirty Santa with this group. It's cut-throat and we're not afraid to steal~ No Mr./Mrs. Nice Guy in this group. It's good to laugh so much your stomach hurts!

Yesterday after Church we headed over to my Mama and Daddy's for a Christmas lunch and presents with our immediate family. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this day. Mama made 3 different types of soup and cooked a ham and turkey for sandwiches. I made hot baked spinach dip and Oreo balls and Mama Hen made a homemade blackberry cobbler. We ate ourselves silly before opening gifts.

(I didn't get good pictures of the kids opening their gifts because I was the hander-outer.)

We always spend the afternoon hoppin' the kids up on as much sugar as we can and then send them home with Mama Hen. I firmly believe this is my role as self-proclaimed BEST AUNT EVER and of course, we all know that's what grandparents do.

Abbie and James were our cookie decorators.

Someone was pretty proud of his creation.

Tyler is getting too big and needs to stop growing PRONTO!

Apparently, Matt was being too mischievous for a good shot because I couldn't find one on my camera.

After that, I stopped by a friends for her Christmas Open House and had some apple cider that made me smile. And if that wasn't good enough, I passed a live nativity with a real camel on the way home. It was a wonderful reminder of the real reason for the season. Thank You God for Your precious Son.

Today I'm linking up with Carissa for Miscellany Monday.

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters


MamaHen said...

And they were sugared up. All the way home (and we were crammed in the truck!) and until we forced them into the bed at 8:30 cause MamaHen could not tolerate one more minute of the crazy. And we were in bed by 9:30. I was so tired.

But it was a great day and today is cleaning and recovery day. Oh, and Abbie has a Christmas party from 3-5. Her social calendar is interfering with my hammock time.

Messy Marriage said...

Love the pictures and the sounds of holiday fun. Save me a slice of that blackberry pie, will ya? haha! Thanks for sharing!

Renee said...

Hi, Jill! I'm stopping in to visit from Miscellany Monday. What great pics of your lovely family! And I loved the Joel Roesenberg book you're highlighting in your sidebar. Do you do book reviews?