What hapens in Carmel and San Francisco doesn't stay there - I'll be glad to tell you all about it:
Donna and I flew out of Bham at 9:55 AM Saturday morning. I didn't stress about what I packed as much as I thought I would which I thought was really a great thing but now in hindsight... not so much. (More on that later.)

The flight was great. It was really nice catching up with Donna. I haven't seen her since Kay's wedding which was about 7 years ago. We flew into Vegas (ya'll, there are slot machines everywhere in the airport!), had a little over an hour to grab some lunch and catch our next flight to San Jose. We met up with Kay in San Jose where we were renting a car and driving to Carmel.
How can it possibly be that renting a car could be an ordeal? Well, I'll be glad to tell you. TAke 1 - Kay got in the wrong car but didn't realize it until she sat in a line for what seemed like forever and a day. Take 2 - Kay got the right car, waited in line for what seemed like forever and a day and then decided it was trashed and went back inside to get another one. Take 3 - they gave us a brand new SUV that only had 6 miles on it.

We got all our luggage in and finally took off. We had been on the highway for all of about 5 minutes when a guy in a truck pulled up next to us and wanted us to roll down the window. He promptly told us that our SUV was smoking really bad from the back. LOVELY. After about 5 minutes of discussion about whether we should turn around and take it back or keep going we decided to get off on the next exit and assess the situation. Kay and I hopped out while Donna drove up and down a parking lot. We didn't see any smoke but the smell of burning rubber was really bad. More discussion. I won't bore you with the details but we basically decided to pray over the car and keep going. No more problems. Thank you, Jesus.
Carmel was absolutely beautiful. Here's a pic of Donna and Kay on the beautiful beach.
We got back to the room and I layed down for a bit while the girls took a walk on the beach. By the time they got back, I was completely fine. We all got ready and drove to Monterrey. We ate lunch at a little pub and then walked down this long pier and saw the cutest seals you've ever seen! What I didn't know was that you really shouldn't get anywhere near them. This was me right after I stooped down for Donna to take my picture and this baby seal barked at me.

This Marine worker girl ran over and said we should NEVER get that close to the seals because they will bite you with their very sharp teeth and their mouth is full of all kinds of gross bacteria. Who knew? Obviously, not me.
After Monterrey, we drove to Big Sur which was amazing. I told the girls that when I see the ocean and the mountains I'm reminded about how big God is. It was just unbelievable to look on one side of the road and see the most incredible mountains and then look on the other side and see these beautiful cliffs with crashing waves.

We went to a restaurant called Nepenthe. Again, it was amazing. It was way up on this cliff that overlooked the ocean on one side and had seating all the way around so that you could see the mountains too. It had this really big shop downstairs with some really beautiful things. I got this beautiful Jade ring which as they say in Jerry McGuire, "had me from hello". I really love it.