Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Can I Handle 30 Days of This???

Jillian Michaels and The 30 Day Shred - friend or enemy? That remains to be seen. All I know is that I felt like I didn't have a "shred" of pride left when I finished. I was sweating like a stuck pig (on level 1, I might add) and I still wasn't doing it full out. Grief-a-mighty! It was a 20 minute sweat fest. 30 days......


Token Fat Friend said...

I felt the same way, and you're obviously in better shape than me, so I feel a tad bit better. Haha! That thing will kick some butt!!!! Good luck!

Lianne said...

I am with you, girl! I haven't done it in a couple of days, and I am STILL hurting. I've got to get back on the wagon...